PRIZE XIII Bienal Española de Arquitectura: La Casa de los Vientos

2016 july_”La Casa de Los Vientos” is awarded at the XIII SPANISH ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING BIENNALE of 2015, and it ´s therefore included among the Spanish works selected for being exhibited and compete at the 2015 Latin-American Architecture Biennale. This work has been disseminated and included in many print and digital media.


FIRST PRIZE. PRIVATE HOUSE. ARCHMARATHON SELECTION 2017. MILAN 2017 march_”La Casa de Los Vientos” is awarded at the ARCHMARATON SELECTION AWARDS 2017, in Milan. It gets the First Prize in the category of Private House

AR Emerging Awards 2017_ Highly Commended

2017 november_”La Casa de Los Vientos” is awarded at the ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW EMERGING AWARDS 2017. It gets the Highly Commended Prize between 15 international works by young architects.

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